My research blends psychological elements with innovation, sustainability and consumer motivation that predict behavior, decisions and growth. Additionally, I am interested in the process of self-control which is often an intentional process of committing to long-term goals. Self-control may also be an unconscious process.
Research Interests
Innovation and sustainability, consumer motivation, and self-regulation.
Journal Publications
Muammer Ozer, Tingting Chen, and Jacky W. Tang (2024), “Detrimental Effects of Remaining Silent about Operational Concerns at Work: Implications for Employee Outcomes,” Organization Studies, 45(11), 1611–1643.
Muammer Ozer and Jacky W. Tang (2019), “Understanding the trade-off between familiarity and newness in product innovation,” Industrial Marketing Management, 77, 116-128.
Business Cases
David Barrett, Hong Fung, Pong Yuen Howard Lam, Hang Yee Rosette Leung, and Jacky W. Tang (2023), “Launching and marketing a private hospital in Hong Kong: CUHK Medical Centre,” Harvard Business Publishing, 6 September 2023.